Sunday, November 25, 2012

Wheel of Fate

All things are transient and change at the whim of fate.  The wheel tells us to be sensitive to the ebb and flow of life.  With the loss of my beloved Poonie comes the appearance of a handsome gentleman that found himself without a home.  His story is similar to Poonies including the fear of men.  So yesterday I adopted a 3 year old male Boston Terrier.

His name is Rocco and his favorite place in his new home is curling up under the comforter on the couch.


Rocco spent the last two weeks in an adopted home with children and a big goofy dog.  The family found he did not fit in and needed a quiet home.  This he will find here and the poor guy was so exhausted he slept most of his first day in his new home.

Today he was rested and able to strike a pose.
We went for a walk in the woods which he just loved.  There were lots of new smells and sounds.  He is a very curious boy.  Once home he spotted several blue jays and a squirrel!

The afternoon included bone chewing and playing with toy elephant.

Tomorrow I go to work, hope he will be ok, alone all day.  It is nice to have him here and I feel good about saving him but my heart is still broken and what I wouldn't do to have Poonie back.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Poonie I Love You

Thusrsday evening after playing her beloved game of ball my Poonie had a heart attack and died in my arms.  I was left in shock and just lost it.  I am totally lost without her and the house seems like an empty shell.  When death hurts so much why do we die?

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Poppy Field
I was fortunate enough to land a gig house and dog sitting in Provence.  I brought my sister along for comedic relief and we are having a blast!  The weather and the Provencal men are gorgeous.
cherry tree
house and pool
Benji our host

front door

Friday, February 3, 2012

I am a salmon

I thought how boring to be a salmon but apparently one of the attributes of being a salmon is that you are never bored, which is true of me.  I have always so much to do and the little grey cells are always on overdrive!  Check out the quiz

What wild animal are you?
The Salmon
With a passion for creativity, you are never bored and like to look at life and situations in your life with a unique set of eyes. Your energetic and confident style allows you to get motivated about even the dullest of projects, and brings enthusiasm into the lives of others. People who identify with salmon like to live in the present, enjoying the company of many friends and ongoing activities. Although many may see you identify more with the free spirits of the world, you do set goals in your life that you follow through with, allowing you to feel as accomplished as you are.
To see more on Betty White's love for wild animals and places or sign up to help save wilderness, check out The Wilderness Society's web site:
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